Combo set - includes Chicken, Regular pork and spicy pork (8/10)

The different sausages, although each with its own distinctive taste, are equally delicious. I've always liked sausages but due to health reasons, I try not to take too much of these processed meat. Being able to try so many different types of sausages at one go was pure indulgence.
$3 (hmm.. that's rather ex considering it's only a few pieces of sausages. I don't even want to compare it with the hotdog bun meal at ikea... :P )
3 Trengganu Street
ermm.. ummm... if i'm not wrong, he's hungarian?
Hey CC, what a pleasant surprise to see you here in my blog! ^.^
Oh, actually I did do a check before posting. Quite a few websites did mention him as a German. I guess it's because of the German sausages bah. :P
A second check from a more reliable source indicated that he is an Austrian. I have already made the amendments.
Do let me know where you get the info from? :)
OH this stall! At chinatown! Haha, that man there is very friendly! Haha, i saw his articles on the papers the other time and went to get some sausage too, was nice :DD
hey if u like sausages there's another one..bratwurst shop@plaza singapura B2.supposed to be good also..
oh yeah forgot u lurve the dogs...juz like how much i lurve my peanut butter! :)
Zhengning: Yea! The one at Chinatown. His stall really stands out from the rest. I will try the other stuff in his stall when I go down this friday again. :)
Thanks for the recommendation, Ice! Will have my meal there if I am at Plaza Singapura. :)
Yeah. Love the sausages. The food I like are usually the unhealthy and sinful ones. Sausages, Fries, Laksa, Curry, Nasi Lemak, Potato chips, Ice-cream, etc. :P
nice food are always unhealthy. haha. and y is CC here?
Hee... why can't CC be here? :P
hey just discover this buddy of yours!! ha check her out!
mwahahahha! My buddy indeed! kekeke you are so resourceful. Have added her already! ^_^
ROFL! your hotdog kaki!! wa haha!!O_O
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