Anyways, I promised my hub a treat at Vivocity. We looked through the list of restaurants and agreed on Carnivore. What an interesting name! Sounds so barbaric to me. *roars* kekeke... When we were at the entrance, I went -_-". It's S$35++ per person and that's the price for a weekday! No wonder my hub was so onz... coz he brought a 'cai tou' with him. >_<" *tork tork tork*
We were served by a very enthusiastic middle-aged man, who introduced us to Brazil's national cocktail called Caiprinha. I forgot to take a photo, but it contains freshly squeezed lime muddled with sugar and crushed ice, topped with cachaca. Knowing that I am an alchohol-intolerant drinker, my hub wanted to order only 1 glass, but was too late because I said ok to the man. :P True enough, I stopped after taking a few sips. Cocktail, wine, beer, champagne are just not my type of drink. I rather drink 'goon zhui' :P
The man went on to introduce this little cardboard to us. When the green side of this card is up, the passadors (knife-welding chefs) will keep serving us with meat.

He then invited us to the salad bar, the only place we can find vegetables in the restaurant. I saw this dish and got pretty excited!
Ratatouille (9/10)

I have all along wanted to know how a ratatouille dish tasted like, after watching the animation, "Ratatouille". I mean that food critic, Ego made it sound so heavenly, everyone had to try at least once in their life, no? I am so glad that I don't have to go all the way to France to do that.
It's actually nothing more than vegetables in pasta sauce to me. :P But I must say, it tasted good. Would love to try the version done by Remy, though. You know, the type that can make you tear? heh...
The photos of other dishes in the salad bar didn't turn out well, but were equally yummy. Like the baked cauliflower in cheese, french beans, etc. I know it sounds crazy to take rice in a buffet, but I have never tried buttered rice before, so I know I had to have at least a bite. And boy, I am so glad I did. It's so fragrant and soft... ^-^b
After we returned to our table, we were so busy eating and didn't have the time to talk. Before we can finish our food, we were served with more meat.
Sausages and Hams (8/10)Yums...

Chicken drumlet (9/10)
Very tender, succulent chicken we have here.

Pork Shoulder (7/10)
A bit tough.

It's a bit unfair to give a rating for the fish. But the fish was so 'xing' that I didn't even have the urge to give it a bite. My hub was there grinning away when I asked the passador to add the fish to my plate. He knew that it has got the strong fishy smell from his last visit and yet he didn't even warn me about it. Some kinda hub he is. >_<
I said no to quite a number of offers... like 'Chicken heart' Eeks. I couldn't believe my ears when the passador told me that. The lady at the next table actually welcomed the dish with great zest. To each his own. :P
After about 10 rounds of servings, I had to turn the card over. It's really 'no thanks' for me at that point of time. The staff even joked that we will be a vegetarian convert for the next one week.

Friendly and smiley staff
Cosy and 'busy' environment, with passadors moving around.
I spent about 115+ on this meal for two. It's a good experience, but I doubt I will be visiting often. Ex lor.
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